Coronavirus update 2

[:nl]Beste Gyrini,

We willen graag een update omtrent het Corona virus geven. Ten eerste, aangezien de VU gesloten is tot en met 6 april, zullen alle borrels op woensdag en vrijdag tot en met 6 april niet meer plaatsvinden. Dit betekent ook dat de Gyrinus kamer tot die tijd gesloten is. Bovendien zullen alle activiteiten georganiseerd door commissies van Gyrinus tot 6 april ook niet meer plaatsvinden. We zijn op het moment bezig met het vinden van nieuwe data voor deze activiteiten. Activiteiten gepland voor na 6 april zullen wel plaatsvinden tenzij dit anders wordt aangegeven (we zullen hier ook updates over blijven sturen). De commissie voorzitters betrokken bij deze activiteiten zijn op de hoogte gebracht.
Verder willen we graag nog even de websites van de Nederlandse regering en het RIVM benoemen. Deze zijn te bezoeken via; en De VU heeft nu ook zijn eigen website die elke dag met updates wordt bijgewerkt. Deze is te vinden via;
Tenslotte zoals al eerder gezegd is, zal het bestuur van Gyrinus natans de updates en maatregelen van de VU omtrent het Corona virus in de gaten houden en hiervan zo snel mogelijk updates plaatsen. Als er vragen zijn, voel je altijd vrij om een mail te sturen naar

Het 67e bestuur[:en]Dear Gyrini,

We would like to give you an update regarding the Corona virus. First of all, since the VU is closed until the 6th of April, all regular borrels on Wednesday and Friday have been cancelled until the 6th of April. This also means that the Gyrinus room will be closed until the 6th of April. Furthermore all activities organized by committees of Gyrinus that take place before the 6th of April have also been cancelled. We are trying to find a new date for these activities. The activities planned for after the 6th of April will take place as scheduled unless otherwise indicated (we will also keep you updated about these activities). The committee chairmen regarding these activities have been informed via email and will stay updated via email.
Furthermore we would still like to point out the sites of the Dutch governmental and the RIVM regarding the Corona virus. Please visit those at; and The VU also has its own website that stays updated with new information;
Finally as stated before, the board of Gyrinus natans will be monitoring the updates and measures from the VU and will try to keep you as updated as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to

The 67th board[:]

[:en]Coronavirus [:]

[:en]Dear Gyrini,

We have some announcements to make regarding the Coronavirus. First of all, after an extra board meeting, there is decided that the après-ski borrel of today (13th of March) will be cancelled. There will also be no regular Friday borrel tomorrow.

Furthermore, we would like to inform you about the new measures the government has taken regarding the Coronavirus. In short, everyone who has mild complaints of coughing, a sore throat, fever or a cold needs to stay at home. Meetings with more than 100 people are canceled throughout the Netherlands and people are encouraged to work from home as much as possible. For more information visit the Dutch governmental website: For general information regarding the Coronavirus, please visit the RIVM website at .

Finally, the board of Gyrinus natans will be monitoring the updates and measures from the VU in the upcoming days and will take additional measures if necessary. We will also try to keep you as updated as possible. If you have any questions, please feel welcome to send an email to[:]

[:en]Gyrinus Update March 2020[:]

[:en]Dear visitor,

Just like that the month February flew by. Perhaps because of the many activities that we all did together, or just because February is the shortest month. We will never know. 

The only thing we do know is that March will once again is filled to the brim with awesome activities. To start this month of just right March 3rd the employee borrel will be held, with some free drinks and snacks for you. 

After this March 6th, de Tegenstelling will be like a kindergarten, seeing all the parents during the Parents Borrel. After this trip down memory lane, the Onderwijscie will organize a visit to the company IQVIA during the Company Visit to show us what our future might be like. To end this month full of fun on a high note, March 24th, the board information evening will be held and just like that we are already looking for our successors. 

Lastly, I would like to inform you all that our yearly band show Pure Music will be May 20th in de Tuinzaal. For more information look at the other side!

Kind regards,

Sander van den Ouden

Commissioner of Activities 2019/2020[:]

[:en]February update[:]

[:en]After the January period with classes and the festivities of December, February is the month that will be just as busy, because it is filled with great activities!

Starting the month of, the Semi-Annual General Members of Gyrinus natans will be held, where we as the 67th board will give our policy update and give insights into our association. 

This is then closely followed by two great activities, namely the Anatomy Lecture, where there will be a live dissection of a seal, and the Karaokeborrel, where you can let your inner Singstar let loose. The Anatomy Lecture will start at 16:00 ‘o clock in D107 and will take approximately one hour, after which you can come to the Karaokeborrel in De Tegenstelling. Both activities are free and open for everyone, so come by!

Then on the evening of Wednesday the 19th of February you can enjoy a carefully picked selection of high quality whiskies with us. These spirits will all have a common theme: Islands. If you’d like to know how this theme will affect our line-up, come join us on this wonderful evening for only €10,-. Sign up now at to claim your spot before all seats are filled! 


Lastly, the Employee Borrel will be Tuesday, March 3rd. Here there will be a borrel especially organized for employees, which will have free drinks!


[:nl]Abstract wedstrijd[:en]Abstract competition[:]

[:nl]Hallo iedereen!

Wil je weten hoe je een goede abstract moet schrijven voor je toekomstige Bachelor of Master thesis? Kom dan deze vrijdag naar de Abstract wedstrijd finale in WN-C668 waar de top 3 finalisten hun abstracts zullen presenteren. Wanneer de presentaties klaar zijn, rond 19:00, zal de winnaar bekend worden gemaakt. Tijdens de presentaties zullen er gratis snacks zijn voor het publiek :).

We hopen jullie allemaal vrijdag te zien!


 [:en]Hey Everyone!

Do you want to know how to write a good abstract for your future Bachelor or Master thesis? Then come this friday to the Abstract Competition Finale in WN-C668 the chosen top 3 will present their abstracts to you. Once the presentations are finished at around 19:00, the winner will be announced there. During the presentations there will be free snacks for the audience :).

Hope to see you all on friday![:]

[:nl]Nieuwjaarsborrel [:en]Happy New Year’s social drink[:]

[:nl]Nieuw jaar, nieuwe ik, zelfde Tegenstelling. Dat klopt, Het is tijd om het nieuwe jaar op dezelfde manier in te wijden als dat we hem afgesloten hebben, in de Tegenstelling!

Om het jaar goed te beginnen, zal het bestuur voor jullie olliebollen bakken en een gratis glaasje prosecco schenken.

We hopen jullie allemaal te zien op 8 januari!

 [:en]New year, new me, same Tegenstelling. That’s right, it is time to start the new year the same way we ended last year, at De Tegenstelling!

To start the new year proper, the board will serve FREE prosecco and will make the Dutch delicacy “Oliebollen”.

We hope to see you all January 8th![:]


[:nl]Beste Gyrini,

Een nieuw jaar, een nieuwe ik en daarom dus weer tijd voor een boekverkoop! Op 6 januari kan je  je boeken kopen voor periode 3 en 4 met 10-15% korting om het nieuwe jaar goed te beginnen. Ben je geen lid van Gyrinus, maar wil je wel je boeken met korting kopen? Geen probleem, je kan lid worden tijdens de boekverkoop!

Voor jaar 1 van Biologie en jaar 2 van Biomedische wetenschappen komen we langs na de colleges (Plant- & dierfysiologie en Biomedical Sciences and Society).
Voor jaar 1 van Biomedische wetenschappen en jaar 2 van Biolgoie kan je je boeken komen kopen in de GK.


Het 67bestuur

 [:en]Dear Gyrini,

A new year, a new me and therefore it is time for the book sale! On the 6th of January you can buy your books for period 3 and 4 with 10-15% discount to start your new year fresh! Are you not a member of Gyrinus, but you want to buy your books with discount? No worries, you can become a member during the book sale!

For  year 1 of Biology and year 2 of Biomedical Sciences, we will come by after your lectures (Pant- & dierfysiologie and Biomedical Sciences and Society).
For  year 1 of Biomedical Sciences and year 2 of Biology, you can buy your books at the Gyrinus room.


The 67th board[:]

[:nl]Bockbierborrel[:en]Bock Beer Borrel[:]

[:nl]Beste Gyrini,

De zonnige zomerdagen worden langzaam vervangen door de regenachtige herfstdagen. De nachten zullen langer zijn en de dagen zullen korter zijn. De t-shirts worden vervangen door jassen. De wind is erg koud. Eenmaal thuis aangekomen trek je je comfortabele outfit aan en ga je zitten bij de warme open haard. De beroemde stoofpot van Nana pruttelt de hele dag op het fornuis. Als je door het raam naar de bladeren van de bomen kijkt, denk je: “aahhh herfst.” Wat mist er op een nacht als deze? Precies, een verzameling van de lekkerste bockbieren. De herfst komt eraan en zo ook de Bock Beer Borrel op vrijdag 25 oktober in de Tegenstelling! Wij openen onze deuren om u van harte welkom te heten en u te voorzien van de beste seizoensgebonden bockbieren!

Het Alcoholaat[:en]Dear Gyrini,

The sunny summer days are slowly being replaced by the rainy autumn days. The nights will be longer, and the days will be shorter. The t-shirts will be replaced by coats. The wind is very cold. Once you arrive home you put on your comfy outfit and take a seat at the warm fireplace. Nana’s famous stew has been simmering on the stove all day. Staring through the window watching the leaves fall of the trees you think: “aahhh autumn.” What is missing on a night like this? Exactly, a collection of the most delicious bock beers. Autumn is coming and so is the Bock Beer Borrel on Friday the 25th of October at de Tegenstelling! We open our doors to give you a warm welcome and provide you with the best season bound bock beers!
