The time has finally come for the return of the legendary Game Night! On April the 6th you can take on your fellow Gyrini in a varied selection of video games. The ITcie will set them all up for you on the sixth floor of the WN-building (room number TBA). You’re welcome to join us from 5 PM.
Also, we’ll be ordering pizza for dinner during the Game Night, so if you want to have pizza let us know your choice via the sign-up sheet.
The playable games will be:
– FIFA (tournament, sign up before April 3rd)
– Mario Kart (tournament, sign up before April 3rd)
– Sid Meier’s Civilization V
– Gran Turismo 5
– Wii Sports Olympics
– Minecraft (LAN)
You can also bring your own console/games to add to this selection!
If you want to join the tournaments and show your skills, or just casually play some games together, sign up via
the ITcie