[:en]Lunch Lecture[:]

[:en]Dear members,

It’s almost time for our annual lunch lecture again! On the 21st of September we have organized a very interesting speaker for you:

Dr Febe van Maldegem is group leader in the Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology. Her work focusses on the complex role of the tumour microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), crucial for mediating anti-tumour immunity, but more frequently imposing resistance to therapy. She wil tell you all there is to know about “The tumour microenvironment: not just a bag of cells.” Non-cancer cells infiltrating the tumour are thought to strongly influence cancer progression and responses to therapy. But how do they influence each other? Deciphering the local cellular neighbourghoods may be the key to understanding.

The lecture will take place at WN-C121 and will be from 12:45 till 13:30. Furthermore we will provide you with a delicious FREE lunch so you don’t want to miss this. Interested yet? sign up through this link (the first 40 will receive a free lunch so be quick!) gyrinus.nl/lunchlecture 
